Hijrah And Community Development


Five steps for community development

Upon his arrival in Madinah, the prophet began to execute his plan to develop a vibrant and strong community (society). There are five steps that Rasulullah undertook to actualize his plan.

One, the establishment of a masjid (mosque). Upon his arrival in the city the prophet started his mission by establishing masjid Kuba.

Masjid is known as a place to worship. It literally means “a place to prostrate (sujud) by putting ones forehead on the ground.” In fact, sujud (prostration) means “obedience” (al-ito’ah). As Allah says: “wa lillahi wasjudu maa fis-samaawati wal-ardh” (and to Allah alone prostrate all in the heavens and in the earth).

So the establishment of the mosque by Rasulullah symbolizes that a community (nation/society) can only develop and be strong by making “Obedience to Allah” (ito’atullah) the center of their life.

Therefore, the word masjid in this context is more appropriately to be translated as “center of all obedience” to Allah. From the masjid all corners of life emanated.

Two, the Prophet established a strong bound of brotherhood between those who migrated from Makkah (muhajiruun) and the those were native people of Madinah (ansor).

This action in modern times could be called “internal reconciliation” between members of the community. This action also indicates that within one community differences, if not handled properly, can lead to problems. Racial or ethnic differences for instance can cause friction between members of a nation.

More importantly Rasulullah realized that for this community (Ummah) to rise, thrive and be strong , ukhuwah must be a strong pillar for it. Nothing can be achieved as a community (Ummah) without unity and brotherhood.

Third, was the creation of the Madinah Charter, the first ever civic constitution in the history of humanity.

Upon his arrival in Madinah, it was agreed with a consensus that Rasulullah would be the leader of the nation. As the leader of the nation he must do every possible way to ensure that the nation remains united and feels protected. Therefore, a constitution is incumbent and needed for their communal life.

He (prophet) then initiated the creation of a constitution that bound all inhabitants of the city. This Constitution is known in history as the “Madinah Charter” was the first civic constitution ever created in the history of mankind. (As a point of reference and comparison, that was in the year 622 CE. The British Magna Carta wasn’t signed until 1215 CE, 593 years later.)

What is even more amazing was that in the process of its creation, Rasulullah involved all segments of the population. He gathered representatives of all diverse communities, including Jews, Christians, and even the pagans among the Arabs at the time.

This itself says it loud and clear that tolerance and democracy have been integral parts of this nation under Rasulullah (pbuh) from the very beginning.

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