Hijrah And Community Development


Fourth, we have the establishment of economic empowerment.

Around the second year after the Hijrah the verse of Zakat was revealed. Rasulullah understood the verse beyond conventional understanding. He understood that the obligation of zakah is not only giving out 2.5 of our possessions after basic necessary spendings. However, more than that, it is also an obligation to empower our Ummah economically.

Therefore as a part of his economic empowerment of the Ummah, the Prophet gathered the wealthy companions (sahabah) such Utsman bin Affan, Abdurrahman bin Auf, and others to unite and buy the wells and the market which happened to be owned by another community at the time.

This is a strong lesson and reminder that this Ummah or community cannot survive and thrive without a strong economy. The mention of “solat and zakat” together in most of the verses in the Quran indicates that our obedience to Allah must be supported by a strong economy.

The fact that this Ummah is weak economically causes them to be marginalized and oppressed in many places of the world today. It is even more painful to know some even are pleased to be enslaved by foreign powers because of their greed and selfishness.

Fifth, was military preparation. Real threats from foreign powers to eliminate the new community of Madinah made Rasulullah prepare for self defense.

We know from history that when the Muslim community began to be established in Madinah, the powers of Makkah could not rest. They tried all possible ways to destroy the new community under the leadership of the Prophet in Madinah. Allah then permitted Rasulullah and his people to defend themselves.

“Permission was given to those who are attacked (to engage in wars) because they were oppressed” (Quran).

The Prophet then began to prepare his people militarily. The Quran commands them saying: “wa a’idduu lahum mastato’tum mi quwwah” (against them make ready your strength to the utmost of your power).

This is a clear message that this Ummah must be prepared for any undesirable events. We are not allowed to attack anyone first, whatever the reasons may be, yet we are given the right to defend ourselves if we need to.

Keep hope and optimism

These are the five among the most important foundations that Rasulullah initiated in order to establish the first Muslim community (Ummah) in Madinah. Certainly there are many other factors for the Ummah to thrive and be strong. Education for instance is a must for any community to develop and progress.

After all those steps, around 8 years after the Hijrah Rasulullah SAW finally was given by Allah his way back to Makkah victoriously. This event is known in the history as “Fath Makkah” or the conquest of Makkah.

A strong certainty that no matter how long and thorny the way is, hope and optimism must always be upheld highly. As the English people say: “at the end of the tunnel, there is a shining light”.

And so, as we are remembering the new year, in the middle of all challenges and painful realities of our Ummah, be strong, continue the walk and keep hope optimism high. In-shaa Allah! (*)

New York City, 1 Muharram 1443 H.

  • Director, Jamaica Muslim Center NYC
  • President, Nusantara Foundation, Inc.

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